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Who Is Stone Disctrict
Our company has been in the natural stone industry since three decades with a passion. With that passion firstly started a small marble workshop and then put factory and marble quarries into operation. We took part in every stage of production and sales to provide quality and service beyond industry standards. For that reason to introduce natural stones in the U.S., we opened our distribution center Stone-District in Miami-Florida in 2013.

Asked Questions ?
What exactly is marble?
The unique marble slabs are actually a porous metamorphic stone that becomes more dense from the heat and pressure in nature. Mineral deposits take on a unique veining pattern throughout each piece, making every product a genuine one-of-a-kind. Due to the calcium carbonate element, it is very sensitive to acid and will etch from exposure. However, it does have an advantage with the strength, heat resistance, and natural durability against dents and chips.
Which colors are available in marble?
Physical appearance is the biggest advantage to marble, with guess in a wide array of colors. Neutral gray, white, and black are popular marble slab colors and are great for a more classic style, but marble countertop colors can also be found in pink, green, or yellow. The veining is natural and may be more prominent and contrasting in some slabs. White is one of the top choices for countertop installations because it hides etching, adapts easily to surrounding decor, and it opens up any space with the brighter shade.
What kinds of finishes are available for marble?
• Polished – A high-gloss surface is created through a buffing and grinding process that enhances the intricate details of the slab. Although it is the most susceptible to damage from acidic substances, it is the least porous option. • Honed/Matte – The process of sanding the surface makes the surface appear more smooth so that it does not show obvious flaws. It does make the surface more susceptible to stains because the pores are opened up, and the color will be slightly muted. • Leather – Dark marbles are the most common option when choosing to give the slab a leather-like texture. It isn’t reflective but it will have a soft sheen to conceal imperfections like fingerprints.